Wine Pairings for Dishes with Thyme
as recommended by Karen Bonarrigo & Merrill Bonarrigo

Wine Pairings for Dishes with Thyme:
- Member of the mint family with cousins like oregano. Hints of these flavors appear in Thyme.
- Both dried and fresh have long lasting flavor. Fresh is more pungent. It adds flavor weight to any dish.
- In the Caramelized Onion Galette recipe the thyme adds a brightness that cuts through the heavier cheese and pastry.
- Dry white wines like Pinot Grigio lightens the flavor weight of the dish and highlights the thyme. The dish brings out the fruitiness of the Moscato and makes the red even more round and smooth.
- Recommended wines:
- Messina Hof Pinot Grigio (dry white with flavor hints of pear)
- Tribute Series Moscato (semi-dry floral white made with Muscat Canelli)
- Messina Hof Black Label (dry red blend with smooth rich finish)

Merrill and Karen Bonarrigo, Wine and Food Pairing experts at Messina Hof Wine Cellars, Inc.