Cucuzza – September Gardening Tips from The Culinary View

Tips for your Garden in September

as recommended by Charla Anthony

The cool season garden takes off in September, with the planting of many of the easily grown edibles, like the leafy greens. While thoughts most often turn to vegetable gardens in spring, hands down the fall-winter garden can be the most enjoyable. For one thing it is much more comfortable to be outdoors, also there are fewer plant pests and less watering yet plenty to harvest. If you wish to introduce gardening to children, this is by far the best gardening season to give it a try.

Things to plant:

– Seeds of edible pod and English peas. Also beets, carrots, collards, leaf lettuce, mustard greens, spinach, turnip and radish.

– Small plants of broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, peppers and Swiss chard. Also –cilantro, oregano, mint, parsley, thyme and cloves of garlic.


Things to harvest:

– Eggplant, okra, peppers and squash. Also –figs, pears, peanuts and pomegranate.



What is a cucuzza? It is a long, green Italian squash, with firm, white flesh. It grows on a vine that often requires a trellis. Slightly sweet and mild flavored, it is grown from seed planted in spring. Harvested from June to frost, a cucuzza squash can grow to be 3 feet long. Ruston, Louisiana is one of the largest producers of this tasty vegetable that can be prepared like any other squash.


Plant:                     Spring in central Texas

Light:                      8 hours of full sun

Water:                   1-2 inches per week

Soil needs:            Well-drained sandy or sandy loam

Fertilization:       low to moderate


Charla Anthony is the Brazos County horticulturist at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension in Bryan, Texas. Find local gardening information at  Gardening question?  Call 979-823-0129 or email [email protected]


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