Wine Pairings for Dishes with Mustard Seed
as recommended by Karen Bonarrigo & Merrill Bonarrigo
Wine Pairings for Dishes with Mustard Seed:
5 Things to know about Pairing wines with Beans
- Beans can be prepared fresh or from dried. Fresh should be served tender crisp. They have a more vegetal flavor. Dried beans must be rehydrated and cooked until soft. Both the flavor and texture will change the wine choice. Dried beans must be soaked, cooked, and soaked again for the soft texture.
- Many different wines work well depending on the preparation! Fresh beans have a heavier flavor weight and require wines that complement those flavors.
- The beauty of soft-cooked beans is that they act as sponges to absorb the flavors of other ingredients. Choose your wine first and then add ingredients that go well with that wine to the beans.
- If you add bold savory flavors, beans go well with red wines. If the beans are blended with delicate flavors, they go well with white or rose’ wines. For example, if you add a pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg to the white bean puree’, it goes beautifully with peach Moscato. If you add veal stock instead of chicken stock, it goes well with red wines.
- Whatever wine you desire to serve with the bean dish, use it in the bean dish. There is a natural flavor affinity.
- Try it with these recommended wines:

Merrill and Karen Bonarrigo, Wine and Food Pairing experts at Messina Hof Wine Cellars, Inc.