5 tips on pairing Okra with Wine:
as recommended by Karen Bonarrigo & Merrill Bonarrigo

- Okra is a great snack raw – it is healthy and just happens to be veggie! It has fiber, aids weight loss, and is a good brain food.
- It has a natural herbal sweetness in flavor with a nice crunch. If the okra is too fibrous to eat raw, the seeds can be toasted and used like nibs in salads.
- Raw they tend to pair best with white wines dry or sweet. Delicate flavors are best suited to okra.
- Easy to use in soups or gumbos or coat with different flavorings like garlic, lemon, cheese, etc. to pair with different wines.
- This month’s Okra Patty recipe is a perfect pairing for a dry crisp white wine, sparkling, or Rose’. Your sauce of choice will be the strongest flavor and the wine should be paired to the sauce.

Merrill and Karen Bonarrigo, Wine and Food Pairing experts at Messina Hof Wine Cellars, Inc.