Wine Pairings for Sugar Snap Pea Salad

Wine Pairings for Sugar Snap Pea Salad

as recommended by Karen Bonarrigo & Merrill Bonarrigo

  • Raw Sugar Snap Peas can be a crisp, sweet but tangy raw vegetable snack or ingredient in any salad.
  • Add a bit of lemon juice and kosher salt to taste to enjoy as a snack.
  • Adding creamy cheeses or asian herbs and spices create versatile wine pairing side dishes with dry or sweet reds, rose’s, and fruity whites
  • Raw Sugar Snap Peas as a snack or in a salad pair well with white wines that have good acidity like Pinot Grigio, Dry Riesling, Orange Muscat or Gewurztraminer.
  • In the Fresh Sugar Snap Pea Salad recipe Gewürztraminer is an ingredient. By pairing the same wine with this dish, there is a natural flavor affinity.
  • Making dishes that include creamy cheeses pair well with red wines like Sangiovese.
  • Recommended wines:

Merrill and Karen Bonarrigo, Wine and Food Pairing experts at Messina Hof Wine Cellars, Inc.

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