The VineTender’s day begins with the rising sun and ends with the setting sun. The day begins by walking the fields and surveying the vines needs. One of the most gratifying feelings is to see the winemaker’s foot prints in the vineyard. Great winemaking begins in the vineyard and reflects the partnership between VineTender and winemaker.
There is a natural rhythm to the vine year. It begins in the cold of winter with soil preparation, pruning and planting. Budburst is a celebration of color ad displays the perfume of the blossom.
Spring is a caring and nurturing time. Training the vine is like raising a child. Summer is full of excitement checking the maturity of the fruit. From budbreak to training to harvest time, the vinetenders greatest gift is a perfect bottle of wine.
Merrill and I have been blessed by the Lord for 44 years. Our love has blossomed and grown as the Lord has blessed our industry.