Wine Pairings for Dishes with Corn
as recommended by Karen Bonarrigo & Merrill Bonarrigo
Wine Pairings for Dishes with Winter Corn:
5 Things to know about pairing wines with corn
- Sweet corn has a natural sweetness in flavor with a big texture from its starch. Corn on the Cob freshly harvested has less starch than if it is stored. Fresh corn will taste lighter and sweeter so think about lighter weight
white wines like Messina UnOaked Chardonnay.
- Corn is an easy starch addition to any meal and its texture creates a silkiness in the finish that makes a nice complement to tannic wines. As the starch increases in the corn, it creates a heavier flavor weight and can pair with heavier whites and reds.
- Corn Chowder offers a more complex and creamy starch that can accompany beef, chicken, veal or turkey. The texture is velvety and the flavor rich. Here the spices you choose to use will determine the wine best suited to the dish.
- In the Culinary View’s Vintage House Corn Chowder, we use a little jalapeno (heat) and Cumin (earthy and savory). These are both bold flavors which create a heavier weight wine.
- Messina Hof Unoaked Chardonnay
- Messina Hof Gewurztraminer
- Messina Hof GSM (Medium bodied red)

Merrill and Karen Bonarrigo, Wine and Food Pairing experts at Messina Hof Wine Cellars, Inc.