Wine Pairings for Dishes with Cilantro

Wine Pairings for Dishes with Cilantro

as recommended by Karen Bonarrigo & Merrill Bonarrigo

5 tips to Wine Pairings for Cilantro and Guacamole:
  • Cilantro is a pungent herb. It adds strong vegetal and muted spice flavors to any dish. Acidic white wines and light reds complement the raw herb.
  • Avocado is creamy and has a fatty texture. It adds balance to pungent herbs and acidic wines. White wines blend best but light reds are a good match as well.
  • Adding creamy herbed cheeses like the Boursin cheese gives the dish a heavier weight that complements dishes with heavier dry reds and rose.’
  • The Guacamole Cannoli appetizer pairs well with white wines that have good acidity like Pinot Grigio, Bonarrigo White, Rose’ with good acidity like the Messina Hof Sparkling Rose’ or with light fruitier reds like the Pinot Noir, Sangiovese, or Beau.
  • Recommended wines:

Merrill and Karen Bonarrigo, Wine and Food Pairing experts at Messina Hof Wine Cellars, Inc.

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