Vineyard Notes

Vineyard Notes

Ode to the Vinetender

The VineTender’s day begins with the rising sun and ends with the setting sun.  The day begins by walking the fields and surveying the vines

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October Vineyard Notes

In October the vineyard gets a well-deserved rest. The leaves turn a brilliant red and yellow. As they fall we give thanks to the Lord

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Vineyard Notes

September Vineyard Notes

2017 Messina Hof Estates vineyard produced its first crop. After the heavy rains from Hurricane Harvey, we are experiencing lush growth in preparation for a

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August Vineyard Notes

First ever harvest at Messina Hof Estates in the Vineyard District! It is so exciting to harvest and see how well the plants at Messina

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July Vineyard Notes

July Vineyard Notes The Messina Hof Estates Vineyards have just begun veraison. Veraison is the time that the Lenoir grape turns from a green to

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June Vineyard Notes

First ever harvest at Messina Hof Estates in the Vineyard District! It is so exciting to harvest and see how well the plants at Messina

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May Vineyard Notes

Spring has blessed the Vineyard. The vines are reaching to the heavens as we refer to this time as the hallelujah phase. The fruit is

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Picture of Merrill & Karen Bonarrigo

Merrill & Karen Bonarrigo

Wine and Food Pairing experts at Messina Hof Wine Cellars, Inc.

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